Advisory Members...

The WOCN Advisors is comprised of ten women of color members from diverse ethnicities, localities, and professions who represent the broad membership of WOCN. The purpose of the WOCN Advisors is to define the work and support the growth of the WOCN Project.

Lead Advisor Alice Lynch
Director of Black, Indian, Hispanic, and Asian Women in Action (BIHA) in Minnesota

Cathy Maxfield-Coleman
Specialist in Outreach to Underserved Populations at Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance in Richmond, Virginia

Ho-Thanh Nguyen
Founder and President of Pennsylvania Immigrant and Refugee Women's Network (PAIRWN)

Rose Pulliam
Independent Consultant located in Austin, Texas

Sumayya Coleman
Founder of such projects as Ujima House, Inc. in Nashville, Tennessee, and previous Director of CONNECT Program, a project of the Urban Justice Center in Brooklyn, New York, and is a consultant and trainer with Share Time Wisely Consulting in Laurel, Maryland.