The Women of Color Network (WOCN), in partnership with A CALL TO MEN, Share Time Wisely Consulting Services, and Clarina Howard Nichols Center, is excited to OPEN REGISTRATION for the 2012 National Call to Action Institute and Conference on July 9-13, 2012 in St Paul, MN.

The theme for this ground breaking experience is "Collective Empowerment, Collective Liberation". The framework for the NCTA Institute and Conference is based on the following guiding principles:

* Uniting women of color across ethnicity, race, age, citizenship, sexual orientation, disability, body type, faith, discipline, and locality for collective survival.

* Inspiring those working to be allies to aim for collective liberation in challenging racism, classism, sexism, homophobia, heterosexism, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia, ageism and other forms of oppression and bias.

The 2012 National Call to Action offers 2-Day Institute (one for Women of Color, one for Men, and one for White Women Aspiring Allies) with joint keynotes throughout, and a 2-Day Conference bringing all groups together for workshops, plenaries, and a Cultural Cabaret and Marketplace.

This unique Institute and Conference will feature 5 Major Topics Impacting Women of Color:

  • Tribal Sovereignty
  • Trafficking
  • Homicide
  • Gender Identity
  • Immigration
Additional subjects include self-care, economic justice, anti-oppression, building multicultural alliances, leadership and capacity building, and other key topics.

Until APRIL 15, 2012

To register for the NCTA Institute and Conference, follow this link:

To purchase an Ad for the Conference Program Book, follow this link:

To purchase a Vendor Table, follow this link:

If you are interested in sponsoring this event such as providing scholarships, funding a conference track or contributing banquet costs, follow the link to view the Sponsorship Packet:

For a WOCN Project Sketch and brief overview, follow this link: http://pubs.pcadv.net/wocn/CalltoAction/WOCNPROJECTSKETCH.pdf

Note: The Women of Color Institute is for those who identify as Black/African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Asian and Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latina, Middle Eastern, Bi/Multi-racial on a daily basis.

For questions about the Institute and Conference, contact Shasme Jackson at 800-537-2238, ext 142, or [email protected].
In Solidarity,

Tonya Lovelace
Women of Color Network

Sumayya Coleman
Share Time Wisely Consulting Services

Jane Ralph
Clarina Howard Nichols Center (VT)

Tony Porter

Highlights from the 2010 National Call To Action

2010 National Call To Action
In May 2010, New Orleans was hosted the 2010 WOCN NCTA where a total of 400 victim advocates,activists, aspiring allies and professionals traveled from across the country to attend the two-day Institute and two- day Conference to discuss strategies to challenge those restrictions that prevent women of color from being fully acknowledged in their abilities to reach their communities and more utilized in the work; and forge a stronger alliance between advocates of color and mainstream advocates in serving communities.

Executive Summary
2010 NCTA Slide Show (On WOCN YouTube Channel)
NCTA Program Book
2010 NCTA Attendees Reporting
2010 NCTA Final Report


For Background on the National Call to Action, visit this page: http://womenofcolornetwork.org/projects/endangerment.php